Thursday 21 March 2013

Supernova by Rebecca Uth

Okay, I know this sounds totally weird, but I literally gasped when I saw this SICK beautiful SUPERNOVA tray from Georg Jensen designed by Rebecca Uth, in a magazine last night! I love the reference to the old japenese origami tradition that is very much up in time these days combined with the beautiful silver finish! At first I thought it was a decoration to hang on the wall (which actually would look really great too and is an even better excuse to buy, now it has 2 functions – all in one product!! (– hey, where do I get this from!?)) I instantly looked it up on their website and can inform others that may find it as breathtaking as I do, that you can get it as both tray and bowl in 2 different sizes! This is now also added to my ever-growing wishlist! I would have loved to show you a picture of the products seen from above, but couldn't find one!

Single product shots via Georg Jensen.

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